Professor John N. Louie 雷
Pronouns: he, him, his Why pronouns matter
Chief Geophysicist | Terēan™ - ReMi™ software at the Next Level
Email: | Mobile: 775-674-9525
Professor of Geophysics, Emeritus | Nevada Seismological Lab |
I am no longer recruiting students. UNR Geophysics grad admissions.
Mobile: 775-229-3835; Email:; LinkedIn
Cloud invitations: for Box to; for Drive to; for Dropbox to
Announcements and Press Coverage:
5/16/23 - Soda Lake is Nevada’s largest extant crater at one mile wide. May 16 Prof. Ruprecht and I led a GSA-Cordilleran field trip there as well as the 1954 scarps and the Shoal nuclear test site. | Field guide | videos
8/26/22- Browse the COSMOS International Guidelines for Applying Noninvasive Geophysical Techniques to Characterize Seismic Site Conditions, all open-access.
7/1/22- Peer-reviewed study by the Nevada Seismo Lab suggests a moderate Reno earthquake can produce severe shaking (link to BSSA; full ESUPP & model files)

John N. Louie, Ph.D. unequivocally rejects white supremacy, racism, anti-Semitism, and all forms of hate, bias, and bigotry. I endeavor to dismantle racism and prejudice everywhere I work, worship, and recreate; in my communities; and in society as part of all of our shared efforts to elevate humanity. I am committed to creating campus, faith, scientific, and engineering communities that value equity and access, where all can work and learn freely, safely, and productively, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, national or regional origin, citizenship status, sexual orientation, gender identity, political affiliation, economic status, veteran status, or ability. I have much to learn, and I will work to elevate minority and indigenous voices. I am most grateful for my opportunities to live and work on the lands of the Chumash, Tongva, Susquehannock, Numu, Nuwu/Nuwuvi, Newe, Wašiw/Wašišiw, and Maori peoples.